Tuesday 12 May 2009

Sam and Claire . Questions for yous.

Hi, we at Thomas Tallis would like to make a DVD about Tallis for the new year 7 students. Is there anything they would like to know that we could include on the DVD? It would be great if you have an opportunity to ask them and send feedback. We would like to give it to them when they come in on the 16th June, as a going away gift they can watch with their families. Looking forward to hearing from yous. Sharon x


  1. Quite apart from being a great opportunity for Sharon to hone her film making skills, this strikes me as a great idea for helping us make some links across the centres involved in the New Media Project. Also, we sometimes we presume we know what anxieties and uncertainties the Year 6 students might have, but maybe we're well wide of the mark. Could the students post on the blog with their top five things they want to know about Tallis? We could even get some of our students to blog them back.


  2. I think the DVD is an excellent idea! I will ask the students to think about their concerns this week and post the response as soon as possible. Thanks Sharon,
